Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Organic Study 1

This is a organic study I designed in Maya while modeling.


The Ivanator said...

Oh this is GREAT!

David Colman said...

hey buddy, good talking to you the other day..sorry that Cleveland is not giving out tests anymore...I just found out right after I s/w you, but email me...did get another job opp notification

Anonymous said...

Woahh!! Very sweet buddy!

Cheers .

Ken Roskos said...

Wow! Do you teach?

Ken Roskos said...

Hi Phil, thanks for writing back and checking out my blog.

Joseph Sapulich said...


Anonymous said...

Hey Phil, just wanted to stop by and thank you again for taking a look at my portfolio after Stephen Silver introduced us at his table at the CTN-X Expo this past weekend, especially since you were in a hurry. That was incredibly decent of you and all your advice was greatly appreciated. I'll be sure to take you up on your kind offer as well and send you more of my layout work in the future. In the meantime I've got to watch your blog because your drawings are amazing! I love all the factories in particular :)

Frank Forte said...


got your message. lave your ph number, i can't find your card. also, your blog has no email or way to contact you

Ashley said...

this is great!

I`m a student in animation right now who wants to become a lighter and I was wondering if I could borrow a 3D layout from you in order to practice lighting a scene. My email is spin_N_tripp@hotmail.com

Thanks for your time and have a good day!